Mar 18, 2008

Left or right brained?

I wrote a post a while back about left and right brain phenomenon. I remembered I did a test on facebook that tested one's brain for left/right dominance. My results were that I'm left brained, so - no creative side for me :)) Too bad, I thought I was a little. Despite the test results, I completed the following "extra" test with 100% accuracy. And that was naming the color of some words, not the words. You know, for GREEN the correct answer is RED. And they said something like "well, that's quite good for a left brained person" :D I calmed a bit down after this and was proud of myself :)

For testing yourself, you can try answering this simple question: is the dancer spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

right left brained

If you think it's clockwise - you're RIGHT brained :: subjective, creative, intuitive and holistic
If you think like meself - you're LEFT brained :: analytical, logical, rational and objective

But then it said Einstein was left brained also, isn't that something?!!
Right brained specimen are Shakespeare, Mozart and Picasso for example :((

PS: Really people, how in the world could she be spinning clockwise?? I'm desperate.

Later edit: OMG OMG OMG!!! I made her spin clockwise!!! OMG!!!!! I'm a genious :))) wow.. Can u spin it the other way that u first thought of?? ;;)


... said...

for me, she IS rotatiing clockwise, but not in a million years i would think of myself right side brained. :d damn it, it's a mystery 4 me.

nzc said...

at first it spins clockwise, but after looking away for a moment she spinning in the opposite direction :) i guess i have a "middle sided" brain, or smth :)) or maybe i'm just a perfect person - yep, i think that's it :))

Kip said...

to nzc: of course u are.
to chris: don't worry, u ain't gonna start writing sonnets right away :D i guess we can just put our "talents" in a good light and be happy about it ;)

to whoever cares: puteti sa scrieti si in romana/rusa/franceza si spaniola, daca vreti :D ultimele 2 mai putin, i'm entry level kind of :))

Anonymous said...

haha, imi crapaa capuu!:)

Kip said...

horia, vezi si tu in ambele sensuri? dumitru nu a putut sa se hotarasca nici el :)
acuma vad si eu, ba clockwise, ba anti...
i guess this test is meant to be taken only once, so leave it for a while :)

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing that Mozart was a right brained character. Anyone who really understands western music would tell you that Mozart was full brained individual as most musicians generally are. Music itself is a full brained activity, requiring the ability to not only improvise on the spot but use it in conjunction with logic and reason, in the way you write a persuasive essay. Theme supporting details, ect... Memorization itself is considered a left brain activity, but to add meaning to the phrase requires the characteristics associated with the right. Mozart had all that in spades. The man could memorize a piece on a single hearing and embellish on it at his whim. Can't do that with half a brain.

Anonymous said...

maan i see it clockwise, when i jus look at it.. but when i really really reallly concentrate for a good 10 minutes on the foot it goes to anti clockwise.... and when i let go of the concentration it goes bak to clockwise