Mar 14, 2008


I was very inspired and childishly happy with the world (?) when I found this on the Internet. It's a long-time project of a fantastic photographer (based only on what I managed to see) who had this idea a couple of years ago. He thought of photographing children that are from every country on Earth, but who currently live in New York.

Kinda reminds me of other photography experiments, or call it what you want, that use pictures to show evolution of a woman's body, or anything else, like a guy that just took photos of himself for years and years just his face, every single day, wherever he was at that time. But this one is so much more different. It actually has a very strong substance. Imagine... one city in this world that has kids that originate from every country. These are times when I have a crazy, unstoppable urge to visit NY. And generally, I'm a very urban girl. I like cities and what they involve. Although I love hanging outside, practicing sports and whatever. Don't get me wrong. Although I now live in a city that EVERYBODY seem to hate, with such an enormous, angry and ever-growing hate, ever-developing, ever-evolving...Grrrrhhh... :))
But I don't like kids. The photos are so beautiful, aren't they? Adorable. I like kids in photos :) Kidding, actually I'm not that hateful on children, but I just can't call myself a child-lover. Or how are they called :))

New York is the heart of our blue Earth in a way. You can find anything there. It's colorful, rich, diverse, pulsing. I learned that not visiting it, but I'm sure of this anyway :D All the countries in the world, all the cultures, all the religions and traditions, all this - in one city.
I loved this "promo" material, it's amazing. Did I say Danny Goldfield is the photographer (wow- the photos) and the project is called NYChildren? :D and that his web site is ...

Also, the countries that are still to be captured are listed on Danny's web site, maybe I can help a liiiiittle bit spread the word and help this cause for reaching its ultimate purpose.

Another thing that I sssooo appreciated in this 'art form' was that the pictures are so artistic. Kids are represented in all various ways, the photographer captured so many different emotions. There are portraits with hands on half the face, kids yelling or laying flat on the floor :D (that one actually from Romania) As much as the collection is so diverse by its nature of representing all the countries from the world, it is also on top of that diverse by states of being and emotions expressed. AAhhhh... nice :)

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