Feb 29, 2008

Accidental genius theory

Just finished accidentally watching smth called "My Brilliant Brain" on Discovery. I haven't watched the entire show, but grabbed a good part of it. It was about these strange people that gathered savant-like aptitudes after going thru different medical disabilities. Also a twisted (judging by his hat) professor that tries to develop a machine that is able to activate the savant side in each one of us... All this really gave me some thinking on our human future...
Ok so there's this man, George Widener, who is an autistic, and he can tell what day of the week is any day is history or in future. They had his brain tested and it was revealed that when he does an activity (for ex naming objects that he sees on a screen) the parts of his brain that activate are different from a normal's person, when a normal person is asked to do the same thing. I mean, if we're asked to draw smth let's say our top right side of the brain activates, but when he's asked to draw, his bottom-left part of the brain activates. Which mean he has a totally different organization of the brain itself. Which is amazing... He also has an incredible sense of details, he drew objects with details of a technician.

Theoretically, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity and the right part is the opposite one. Ok I'm not a scientist, just want to put it in my own words. SO, the majority of people have left dominance over right. This suggests that we are thinking of everything as a total, entirety, not quite attentive to details. Savant people have left side supremacy.

Another man's story is this ex-convinct and former heroin addict, Tommy McHugh, who suffered a serious brain accident. He was sitting on the toilet when he tried too hard and felt one of his veins fill up going straight to his head and bursting inside there, and then suddenly started throwing up blood and everything, i know :))The doctors took care of him, but his life changed 180 degrees after this event. He started to feel very sentimental and feeling like he has to express himself. He started frenetically writing poems, letters, then painting. His whole house turned into an all-around painting exhibition, yes, even the ceiling (and he even redrew the walls, from lack of more space). Anyway... he became a different person, excessively passionate about art, his wife left him because she couldn't stand him anymore, couldn't live with him under the same roof.
He wrote hundreds of letters in rhymes to doctors around the globe and one of them luckily responded kindly. She, herself (the doctor), suffered a similar 'thing', when her twins died after a misscarriage. She then started to feel a crazy urge to write, anything that went thru her mind. She was writing on paper, napkins, toilet paper, sticky notes, anything that was available when she felt like writing. She is a neurologist and she was able to control her madness with the help of medicine.

Another story was about a Sydney professor, Allan Snyder, who was very interested in this phenomenon of genius people. He, like most scientist, believe that, even as a fetus, a person's brain is developing in a way that the left hemisphere dominates the right one. Certain cerebral 'accidents' or abnormal events trigger, in this early stage, that some people turn out with right dominance.
He designed a magnetic tool with which he is performing experiments on his students :) He places the magnet on the left side of the brain for 15 minutes and applies magnetic stuff (don't know exactly) so that he kind of disactivates this part of the brain and lets the right part to prevail, to take control.
So he tested a student before and after this experiment, using the same 'games'. The student had to read a common proverb written repeatedly on a screen. Sometimes there were 2 "the"s in the proverb, but because the brain got used to the proverb and knows it, he didn't bother paying attention to the details. Then the student had to draw a horse on a piece of paper, just an image from his mind. Then he was asked to say how many dots where on the screen.
After the 15 minutes of magnet influence or whatever, he drew the horse with more details, very different from the first horse (which was looking like a brick actually), almost with artist-like features. He interrupted his reading, when he saw the proverb that contained 2 "the"s and read again correctly, reading "the the" just like it was written on the screen, and he was able to say a better number for the dots scattered on the screen.

I wasn't able to find the video with this exact show online, except a little trailer. It appear that the show is consisted of three parts. You can search for "My Brilliant Brain" on the Internet.

What made me really think again, like I said at the beginning, was the fact that possibly, in the future, we'll be able to wear "brain hats" that will allow us to achieve for an amount of time a desired mind-power or ability that we weren't born with. Like it was in the Matrix movie, when the girl learned to drive a helicopter by transfer of data from the computer. Or how they learned different styles of martial arts.

Interesting, huh?

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