May 20, 2008


I love-love-love to obseeeerve new trends in crowds. The fashion in Bucharest is starting to sing at a few people's ear, but most of them are driven, like a big wave in the open ocean, by season trends - hot's, do's, must's, blabla. I love this phenomenon. It's ridiculous and very rapidly spreading.

A while ago I was looking for a pair of ballet flats (balerini) for the start of a new season. I saw a few pretty ones, among them a yellow colour. Very very pretty. The yellow was sort of pale, mustard, or smth like this, I'm not into colour-labeling (shame on me). But in the end I bought smth else. Anyway. Yellow.

Surprize! Just weeks after that I obseeeerve the yellow trend! Girls these days wear only this colour, and preferably flats. Yesterday, waiting for the train in the subway station, there were 3 girls, all 3 with yellow shoes, one of them was the temple of the Sun - yellow t-shirt, yellow jacket, yellow bag and yellow flats. OMG! UGLY!!!! What is even more disturbing and uncool is that the yellor-trend-colour that all of them use is the bright-clean-yellow, the sort of yellow that only little kids wear. Anyway, with all my respect to bright colours and high spirits, quit wearing all yellow... pleeeaaase.... Unless! Unless... you wear it in a way that totally doesn't remind me of the girl walking next to you and you have a very cool sense of fashion. It all depends, in the end!

And by the way, what's with the trend of matchy-matchy clothes?! It is NOT HOT and just without personality! Yellow shoes and yellow bag?! WTF? Not hot. Or purple. Yes, this is the second-trend-colour. Although I prefer it more that the bright-ugly yellow.

Note 1: The text contains language that some may find offensive.
Note 2: I don't pretend to be a fashionista, but things like this just strike my eyes.
Note 3: These are my PERSONAL opinions. Do whatever you want.

And, at the end, may I please remind myself, and maybe help others think about the sayings that 2 of my t-shirts read:
"Just be yourself, nobody else wants it." and
"Go against the flow."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog...keep up di good work!