Mar 28, 2008

Socks and sandals

Please don't wear socks and sandals together! OK. Bye.
No, really, let's talk more about this ;)
Here is someone really dedicated to this cause, please take a look.

Wearing socks with sandals is ugly, unacceptable, stupid and just... DO NOT DO IT!!! :)) this is so funny --> here is the official petition for this holy cause.

Other DON'Ts here*:
- dirty hair (if u have a rational excus
e for it, just put on a hat or smth)
- dirty anything :D
- burned blonde hair (i know, hair again)
- tons of gel in your hair (oh yeah, that IS hair again)
- socks over your pants (unless there is an acute need to do so)
- manea** playing loud (even not so loud) on your cell phone
- paper-white boots
- black stuff underneath nails
- "eaten" nail polish (britney style)
- extra-large lady sunglasses on guys
- black leggings and denim mini skirt (especially if you're not SLIM)
- sparkly whitish eyeshadow (and blue eyeshadow with blue eyes!)
- golden sparkly sh*t on granny-type blouses worn by teenage girls (i don't think u can't afford a simple, plain, nice&clean t-shirt instead)
- orange skin (artificial tan)
- 1 cm thick face foundation
- all-over sports wear (believe me, u can detect a person who really is going to do sports)
- evening-type, elegant shoes in the middle of the day
- too much makeup
- too much accessorizing
- too much anything
- to be continued...

Please let me know what I can add to this list and what I said wrong above.

*Yes, I have read "Manual de Stil", Dana Budeanu. Cu toate ca sunt o tona de trimiteri la marci prea pretentioase, manualul e bun! Cumparati-l sau vi-l imprumut eu, all it takes is to nicely ask :)
**'Manea' is a very popular genre of music in Romania especially among gipsy population. (No, I am NO racist)


Some of them are old, some of them are not so funny, but most of them rule! Enjoy.
[credits to dumitru]

Mar 26, 2008

Again my music sh*t

Last night I took my 2 concert dvds that I have off the shelf. I watched them again (a cata oara!...) and I had peace again :)

I think people should never be ashamed of what music they listen to, if it really is the music of their soul. It represents us. But at the same time, if it's "the music of soul" then it is very intimate, very "yours". I get modest in this cases. Not many of my 'friends' know I went to Beyonce's concert for example. That's because I really loved it and didn't want anybody to spoil it for me. When you attend smth like it, the 'impression' that you get is really authentic and real, like more real than anything. And letting other 'impressions' into you is no good. What can I say?... I STILL cannot believe I was there.

Both of them (B and Amy) are controversial artists. But I love them as they are. Amy Winehouse is a real piece of a way. More people name her a "train wreck". I feel so helpless when listening to her and then getting all the trash news about her. A strange comparison takes shape in my head. Aaliyah died in a plane accident, being such a nice, grounded, talented girl. Amy is bloody talented but she drives her own death plane. In some way that is her, her personality, her uniqueness. It's amazing how she is so distinct from eeeeeeverybody else. But I would be so happy if she gets off the drugs and all that. Heehh....
Beyonce probably gets even more trash on herself from people. Too this, too that. If you 'know her' only from the "Baby boy" video, than u don't know nothing. I don't even know where to start.

Any way... let's watch some vi-de-o-z from You-tu-be with the ladies' concerts. Please let me say that there is nothing harder that picking smth out of the shows.

Trailer for Ms Amy Winehouse's "Live in London" DVD.

And one of the other trillion songs I love from her. "Wake Up Alone".

I couldn't find a formal trailer for Beyonce's DVD (holy shmokes!). So let's see 2 of the songs from "The Beyonce Experience 2007" - "Me, Myself and I".

...and..brrr... "Dangerously In Love".


Mar 23, 2008

Don't judge so fast

Always a big fan of not judging (esp. people) very fast, and introducing an interesting video clip off the MTV monitor :D

(Uniting Nations, Do It Yourself)

I don't believe you haven't seen this, but given what I originally shared here, this ad compilation (mostly from Ameriquest) is a very to-the-point addition to the topic.

Mar 21, 2008


Somebody once told me I looked like Amerie :))
She is a singer (for those who are currently asking themselves "wtf?!") and I listen to her songs from time to time. It's because she sings RnB and is a lady, some will say :)) Anyway, there's smth in her songs that make me "move", a term mentioned before in one of my posts.
Her ethnic background is quite curious stuff, with an African American army involved father and a Korean mother. She speaks Korean at home too. She is a very fortunate mix between these two races, from which she grabbed the best features :)

I 'discovered' her a couple of years ago, if any of you remember the video&song of expired Ricky Martin with Fat Joe and...tadaaaahh - Amerie ("I don't Care"). Or was it earlier..hmmm... Gooood god, that songs just sucks.. Anyway, I sensed smth in her therefore.. got myself her records. And as Russians would say "Dlea liubitelei".. Trying to get you a translation..would be "For those who really like this style". I know I didn't translate anywhere next to "well enough", but you get the idea. Anyway, it's very RnB and probably, in this part of the world, it's addressed to a niche of market :D

I love love love this. And it has my favorite Eve in it, too... :D

1 Thing remix feat Eve, from album Touch, 2005
Yes, she hasn't got the best voice in the game, but the music - my stuff.

Another super power song is "Gotta Work", here is a live version of it... turn the volume up a bit ;)

Gotta Work from album Because I Love It, 2007

Mar 19, 2008

Cat talk

I have always had cats at home. I love them enormously. My cat back home right now with mom is Kosti. I miss him a whole lot...:(
I got to the point where I know pretty much all their behavioral tricks, I just love to observe them. One of the most marvelous "features" of cats are the way they sound in different situations. Actually, every cat has its own voice, way of meow-ing, there are talkative and silent cats, just like humans :D I loved this video on youtube, it shows how full of character and how expressive cats can be, if you pay attention to their little (should I say short :D) life. Please enjoy:

Some cat-loving people "translated" what the cats where talking about, hilarious ;)

Turn off the lights, they say

First take a look at this video on youtube. [credits to vali]
I love Earth. I feel strong impact when I see/hear devastating facts about it. I also love social/environmental cause-sustaining ads and whatever else. Because they are cool. Not cool in a happy way. They are nicely done, effective and smart. I will have to post later some day a few unconventional social campaigns.
This video is ok. It tells about something quite serious, objective. But it's not entertaining, or at least different, i mean in the way it's done. I really believe they could have done a way better job.

On the other hand, what can be entertaining about this fact? And for me, personally, this issue doesn't really beg for super cool things in it, but I'm sure for most of people it does.
Apart from that, I'm very glad for this "action" that already took place in Australia. There are a few more cities that join this year. I agree that this is not going to save our planet very fast, but taking action is always good. I just hope it will get enough social awareness. I don't understand people who say " I'm sick of all this global warming shit". Well, then, you are just plain unconscious, limited, greedy, call it what you want.
I think when the whole globe will switch off its lights, that's when it will be saved. But not in a million years this would happen. Sadly.
I wonder what "awareness" will Bucharest be glad of, cause I really doubt people will care about this. Starting with the old lady living next to me. Although she got the fluorescent light bulbs! :D
Speaking of light bulbs, here is a cool ad from WWF France.


Mar 18, 2008

Left or right brained?

I wrote a post a while back about left and right brain phenomenon. I remembered I did a test on facebook that tested one's brain for left/right dominance. My results were that I'm left brained, so - no creative side for me :)) Too bad, I thought I was a little. Despite the test results, I completed the following "extra" test with 100% accuracy. And that was naming the color of some words, not the words. You know, for GREEN the correct answer is RED. And they said something like "well, that's quite good for a left brained person" :D I calmed a bit down after this and was proud of myself :)

For testing yourself, you can try answering this simple question: is the dancer spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

right left brained

If you think it's clockwise - you're RIGHT brained :: subjective, creative, intuitive and holistic
If you think like meself - you're LEFT brained :: analytical, logical, rational and objective

But then it said Einstein was left brained also, isn't that something?!!
Right brained specimen are Shakespeare, Mozart and Picasso for example :((

PS: Really people, how in the world could she be spinning clockwise?? I'm desperate.

Later edit: OMG OMG OMG!!! I made her spin clockwise!!! OMG!!!!! I'm a genious :))) wow.. Can u spin it the other way that u first thought of?? ;;)

Mar 15, 2008

Hearing test

An impressive hearing test. i dare you to take it. not many of these these days :)
Use headphones for better results. I promise there will be no monsters jumping at your monitor :P it's not a joke.

Share your results with me please :)

Mar 14, 2008


I was very inspired and childishly happy with the world (?) when I found this on the Internet. It's a long-time project of a fantastic photographer (based only on what I managed to see) who had this idea a couple of years ago. He thought of photographing children that are from every country on Earth, but who currently live in New York.

Kinda reminds me of other photography experiments, or call it what you want, that use pictures to show evolution of a woman's body, or anything else, like a guy that just took photos of himself for years and years just his face, every single day, wherever he was at that time. But this one is so much more different. It actually has a very strong substance. Imagine... one city in this world that has kids that originate from every country. These are times when I have a crazy, unstoppable urge to visit NY. And generally, I'm a very urban girl. I like cities and what they involve. Although I love hanging outside, practicing sports and whatever. Don't get me wrong. Although I now live in a city that EVERYBODY seem to hate, with such an enormous, angry and ever-growing hate, ever-developing, ever-evolving...Grrrrhhh... :))
But I don't like kids. The photos are so beautiful, aren't they? Adorable. I like kids in photos :) Kidding, actually I'm not that hateful on children, but I just can't call myself a child-lover. Or how are they called :))

New York is the heart of our blue Earth in a way. You can find anything there. It's colorful, rich, diverse, pulsing. I learned that not visiting it, but I'm sure of this anyway :D All the countries in the world, all the cultures, all the religions and traditions, all this - in one city.
I loved this "promo" material, it's amazing. Did I say Danny Goldfield is the photographer (wow- the photos) and the project is called NYChildren? :D and that his web site is ...

Also, the countries that are still to be captured are listed on Danny's web site, maybe I can help a liiiiittle bit spread the word and help this cause for reaching its ultimate purpose.

Another thing that I sssooo appreciated in this 'art form' was that the pictures are so artistic. Kids are represented in all various ways, the photographer captured so many different emotions. There are portraits with hands on half the face, kids yelling or laying flat on the floor :D (that one actually from Romania) As much as the collection is so diverse by its nature of representing all the countries from the world, it is also on top of that diverse by states of being and emotions expressed. AAhhhh... nice :)

Mar 12, 2008

How many states can u name?

CAUTION: Highly unrecommended for America haters :D.
I was working on some papers and got to use abbreviations of American states and had trouble with many of them. I didn't quite knew their full name just by the abbreviations, except for TX, NY and..some that sound obvious to me. So I googled for "state XX" for the ones I didn't know and the results were instantly enbrightening (i guess they didn't invent this word yet). Then I took a break and thought "How many US states DO I know?" Ok given the fact that I lived in the US for a year. I opened the notepad and started to list states one after another, the ones that came to my mind. I had 23 states when I suddenly stopped and there was a loooong pause before I added "Massachusetts". I was just plain curious, the kind of curiousness very reminding me of my childhood, when I used to do stuff like this that apparently has no sense.
For those who "dig" what "i'm talkin 'bout", y'all can try this for yourselves, it's kind of fun :D If you want to do the little experiment and not be influenced, do not click "read more", I put there the list with states as they came to me in a straight memory burst.

new York
new hampshire
new england
north carolina
23 south carolina

ps: ok, 22, cause new england ain't a state [blushing]

Mar 6, 2008

Finally, I share

You know like when you have something you really like and enjoy, and you really want to share it with somebody else because you want to show them the cool thing that you found, yeah, like youtube stuff, that's what I many times feel but never got the chance to share this (you'll see later) here.

Let's start with a phenomenon that truly makes me go crazy (in a bad way).
Q: "What music do u listen to?"
A: "Good music!"

OK... so you know what I mean! - How THE HELL should I know what "good music" means to you??!! Seriously! I try to NEVER say this. "Good music"... That's just plain crap.
You can only talk like this to YOURSELF, because anybody else will have THEIR understanding of good music. You know what I mean? Please never say it like that, cause it's really nerve-wrecking.

I hope we're all clear with that matter, now let's proceed with I wanted to share with. Good music for me includes songs from basically all genres except probably... weird folk stuff, country, and death metal that my little brain simply doesn't get. But even in country I'm sure I can find a song that I would like...somehow. But that's not important. I mean the genre is not that important. I like songs that have powerful lyrics, a deep meaning and especially if I can relate to it. I like songs that are complex, both musically and lyrically. I like when things are unsuspected, shaking, soulful, rythmic(whatever that spells). I like when the melody is hard to redo, i mean that it's unique and hard to re-play, I don't know if I'm making myself something clear. A melody that inspires and that makes me want to move. So can ignore what I said till now, it doesn't make any sense anyway :D

What, in my opinion, fits in very well in what I want from music is RnB. Sung by ladies. Aha, because I can relate to them obviously. But I'm, at the same time, a long-time fan of Linkin Park for example. I like Puddle of Mud, Greed Day, Everlast, SOAD and Nirvana. But I like Joss Stone. This is so opposite. Anyway, today we'll talk about Alicia Keys :D

She's (one of) my all-time favorite! Her picture must be in the dictionary at the word "talented". So many song-talent-music contests use her songs and her standards to prove who's got it. You must remember "Fallin'" :) This was the song that, at that time, showed me something so different and that I knew I loved so bad. I felt the song in all my nerves and veins. Today, I accept, the song isn't what it used to be to me, it's old an' worn, but I still love it nevertheless. I love Alicia for being so down-to-earth and natural with us and with herself; for never seeing her on cover pages of scandal papers; for keeping up with "mr time" and proving her talent until now; for giving me stuff to think about and bringing out lessons of life thru her songs... So, agreed or not with what I said, please take something I want to share with you. It is horribly hard to pick smth from Alicia Key's repertoire, but this song is worth anything good.

"Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby...
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you...

Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me..."
(If I Ain't Got You, Alicia Keys)

Before buying presents and flowers, before going on vacations and partying in clubs, please show the person beside you what you feel for him/her in your own words and gestures that don't include material things, superficial things. What good is it to have rings and fancy meals if there is no caring, respect or protection?... Before having ANYthing material, we need soulful things, pure love in our bodies and peace in our minds. I'm sure this song made a tone of people cry.

And please, people, if you read this blog share words with me, comments don't bite, they're always welcome! Sometimes I think of shutting this whole thing down, because it feels like nobody cares. But I'll push it anyhow. :)

PS: There is also a great version of this song, performed only by Alicia's voice and the piano here. Enjoy.