May 30, 2008


If there are 0 degrees C today and tomorrow will be twice as cold, what temperature will there be tomorrow?

Philosophical (ok, it took me about 5 mins to get that right :D), really, question, asked by a friend on Yahoo! Answers and other means of mass communication :)
Some really good (first impression) answers he has got there, but he wants a NUMBER! Someone calculated -136.5C, but that sounds much colder than we would expect twice colder than 0 to be. I have a very good (thank god) excuse to pass this question to the masses and not give a logical personal answer right now, because I had an exam yesterday, one tomorrow, one on tuesday and one on next friday, if u know what I mean. I hope we get a logical and acceptable answer until I'm finished with the exams :D
Good luck with using your brain arsenal!

[credits to victor]

May 24, 2008

Secret combination

Fresh news from Eurovision! Yes, I happen to watch it right now. I didn't intend to, but thank god (not!) I caught it on TV.
So Greece starts to sing, and here's what I hear:

Seriously! Not convinced yet?! Listen closer:

Oh sorry, switched them again... Ugghhh.. Well, sorry! but it's kinda hard to say witch one is the original.. Can YOU tell?

More: Tomorrow. It's kinda late.

May 23, 2008

Pimps an' hoes

Romanian style




Caution: There is a great chance that if you're not Romanian, you won't understand the humor. Because it's actually so sad, lame, unreal and deceptive :(

And long live the yellow matchy clothes! I have fun every day seeing specimen on the streets. read more...

May 22, 2008

Things I laugh at

Like this one:
"With the advent of Flash, men, women, and possibly some intelligent chimps have all been able to make their very own short films, right in their very own basements and holding cages!"

May 21, 2008

Google image labeler

Recent Google addition - smart move to improve their services, and at the same time involve in this the users. The circle is complete :)) The game is having 2 users "compete" naming tags for a random set of images, given a certain amount of time. You score points and all that. I don't know very many details, but it seems quite cool. Very catchy game, and you really feel like contributing for Google. Try it for yourselves, it's interesting.
[credits to dima]

Another funny/cool/hot/neat etc thing that I found on the Internet these days is a set of pictures taken in Moscow of people organizing a dinner table in the subway train. Take a look.
[credits to POPSUGAR]

May 20, 2008


I love-love-love to obseeeerve new trends in crowds. The fashion in Bucharest is starting to sing at a few people's ear, but most of them are driven, like a big wave in the open ocean, by season trends - hot's, do's, must's, blabla. I love this phenomenon. It's ridiculous and very rapidly spreading.

A while ago I was looking for a pair of ballet flats (balerini) for the start of a new season. I saw a few pretty ones, among them a yellow colour. Very very pretty. The yellow was sort of pale, mustard, or smth like this, I'm not into colour-labeling (shame on me). But in the end I bought smth else. Anyway. Yellow.

Surprize! Just weeks after that I obseeeerve the yellow trend! Girls these days wear only this colour, and preferably flats. Yesterday, waiting for the train in the subway station, there were 3 girls, all 3 with yellow shoes, one of them was the temple of the Sun - yellow t-shirt, yellow jacket, yellow bag and yellow flats. OMG! UGLY!!!! What is even more disturbing and uncool is that the yellor-trend-colour that all of them use is the bright-clean-yellow, the sort of yellow that only little kids wear. Anyway, with all my respect to bright colours and high spirits, quit wearing all yellow... pleeeaaase.... Unless! Unless... you wear it in a way that totally doesn't remind me of the girl walking next to you and you have a very cool sense of fashion. It all depends, in the end!

And by the way, what's with the trend of matchy-matchy clothes?! It is NOT HOT and just without personality! Yellow shoes and yellow bag?! WTF? Not hot. Or purple. Yes, this is the second-trend-colour. Although I prefer it more that the bright-ugly yellow.

Note 1: The text contains language that some may find offensive.
Note 2: I don't pretend to be a fashionista, but things like this just strike my eyes.
Note 3: These are my PERSONAL opinions. Do whatever you want.

And, at the end, may I please remind myself, and maybe help others think about the sayings that 2 of my t-shirts read:
"Just be yourself, nobody else wants it." and
"Go against the flow."

May 13, 2008

Ashton's Cool Pics

It's Ashton's COOLPIX actually ;)) As I researched the net, for my job, I stumbled upon a mini video banner with Ashton Kutcher in a club, taking pictures, girls, Nikon = interesting! :D At the end it said so - easy to remember and I right away typed it in a new tab of my firefox. And voila!

It is a form on interactive advertising at its best. Poor Ashton had to do about 30 different scenes to match the pictures that would be uploaded by users. I checked Ashton, and here 's how he did. One little problem: it takes a bit long to load. And I have a 54 Mbps connection.

Good job for Nikon! Very nicely done, great actor/vip, great campaign. I like that they put effort into diversifying the specter of possible emotional states from the photos. Try it for yourselves. Btw, after you upload the pictures, blabla, it doesn't give you the link to Ashton's scene, which is...thumbs down.

I like the cameras, they're very cute, I respect Nikon, which from my personal point of view stands first in the category of digital cameras. I want a Nikon COOLPIX! :))

Volkswagen Touareg

It is going to be a commercial, but not the one I wished for. Because on Romanian TVs it looks slightly different. The difference is at the end, where the whole point is. Anyway, the, let's say, original version (the only one I could find on Google) is the following one, for the Dutch market:

"54% buys a Touareg because of its appearance. So we prefer to keep it clean."

The Romanian version tough, says smth like (I will check exactly) "we already know what a Touareg can do, so we decided to just keep it clean this time."("stim deja ce poate face un touareg, asa ca am preferat sa nu-l mai murdarim")

I agree the messages have a lot in common, but they are different also. The first one is focused on the appearance, the second - on the abilities of the car. I like the RO version better.

Acting! What a remarkable acting. I must consider working in a casting agency :)) The guy talks so naturally, the expressions, the pauses, the gestures are all in their places. Brilliant.
Notice, of course, how it is so different from aaaaaaaall the other car ads, where all we see is a SUV driving on rocks and muddy terrain. This is actually the whole "wow" of this commercial. I like when, seeing smth like this, I wonder "how come nobody thought of this before??" Cool.

Oh, good thing I remembered! The next ad for Lexus Hybrid is an older one, but made a great impression on first watch:

"That day - is TODAY." What a great line!

May 12, 2008

Horton Hears a Who!

You have to watch this animated movie. Loved it! I'm a big, huge fan of Nemo and Ice Age, and this one is the new sh*t! :)) Not the best publicity for the movie, at least from what reaches my ear, but the movie is so great.

Jim Carrey is the voice of a big, super funny and miraculous elephant and I haven't been distracted by this knowledge, because we weren't quite sure it was his voice. Anyway, watch watch watch, if you haven't done it yet!
I was amazed, absolutely..., by the creators' imagination, there are scenes in the movie that, if you think through it, you realize how much creativity was just poured into it, into each animated character. And that's what excites me, what impresses me. One example of such a scene was when the major's family was at the breakfast table, the whoooole family. You will see what I mean, when you watch it :P They have a great website too.

Another recent great movie we've watched was "There will be blood". Daniel Day-Lewis, lead actor, won the Oscars this year, so I guess I'm not in the position to appreciate his work, because it has already been done by designated people :)
It starts very slowly, very intriguing, but believe me, the last few seconds of the film are truly disturbing and exciting. I want to mean that the film has it all. Don't forget to watch this as well ;)

May 8, 2008

American boyzangalz

Estelle feat. Kanye West, American Boy (2008)
New joint (yeaaaa) on MTV, kinda rapidly grabbed my attention, kinda feels like Jamiroquai, and surely smells British. Buttis good! :)) Wonder if this Estelle is going to last :P

Lenny Kravitz, American Woman (1999)

Claaaassic.. Sort of catches me staring boringly at one point at a moment, but after minute 3, the final part rocks! :)) OOh yeah. Nothing in this But. Music's good. 's ok. Bye bye!

Banii nu se mostenesc

Rebranding la CEC recently :) Whatever. Cu toate ca noul logo looks nice. Yep, iata de ce m-am hotarat sa scriu in engleza.

Uitati un spot, pe care parca nu l-am mai vazut, cu toate ca, dupa cateva reruns ale clipului, parca incolteste in adancul creierului meu o presimtire-amintire. Anyway. Reclama:

Iarasi, sunt ca de obicei impresionata de acting, in some way... Personajele (adicatelea actorii) au fost alese foarte reusit. Nice.

[credits to IQads]

May 7, 2008

Persil print

"Every stain has a beginning. And an end."

Just an occasional print, seen on IQads today... Loved its simplicity and "genial"ness.

May 5, 2008

SATC the movie

Yay! Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda, and Mr. Big! are back together.I know you know, but I had to do a post about this. The cast had a recent appearance on Oprah's show and they all are so sweet. Personally, not a crazy fan, but nevertheless, watched all the seasons (most of them beside my man!) and a fan of Carrie, yay! She is what I imagine about "sweet", from how she talks to what she wears. I think what adds to this is her blond hair and her little eyes :)) I don't know, that's just how I feel :D

Official Trailer Sex and the City, The Movie

Oprah Show, SATC, part 1 (May 1st 2008)

Oprah Show, SATC, part 2

Oprah Show, SATC, part 3

Oprah Show, SATC, part 4

Oprah Show, SATC, part 5

Oprah Show, SATC, part 6

And, thanks to POPSUGAR, I present you some behind the scenes pictures of the movie, so [credits to popsugar]
(use the buttons to speed up, slow down or pause the slideshow ;))



Hooray! Brilliant.

[credits to ina]


Coming back "home" from home is always strange. But things like these always cheer me up, wake me up in the real world and turn me back on track :D

Say hi to Rallookas :))

Notice her dancing skills, "front of the camera" skills, and lastly, yes, lastly, her singing skills! Fantastic!

Another one, I promise it's worth it:

Have a great week everyone ;)

[credits to dima]