Jan 8, 2008

Catchy songs

I know you all have times when, after listening to a song on the radio in the morning, you will sing it till you go to bed that day, or even continue the day after :)) That's what happened to me yesterday, and yes, it's still going on, with this song from a movie, performed by Beyonce, at the Movies Rock event, Dec 2nd 07.
(Over the Rainbow original by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz)


Anonymous said...

Cel may catchy song la mine zilele astea:

"Moartea întreabă de tine
Ştiu că nu-ţi convine
E plăcerea mea..."

:D Paraziţii ruleyz! Turbo! :))

Kip said...

"chikalaka-chikicha" ;)