Dec 17, 2007

Beauty and brains :))

I love jokes about stupid blondes, and I am no racist. I just think that the people who are told these jokes HAVE to be intelligent enough to understand that it's not meant to be mean specifically to blondes.
Racism is an interesting topic, by the way, but I'm not into discussing it right in this post...
I love Mercedes Benz also. They might be a little too "high-class" for my taste, but still... love it. So, yes, they too have a good set of commercials spread all over YouTube, but this "blew me away", if quoting yourself is normal :)
Watch it first:

What really impressed me was the "tagline" to say so, after the clip, "Beauty is nothing without brains" ! Again, powerful and very direct message, kinda lets you think a lil' bit. Like it was something new!? But it really touches a nerve there...
The blonde's face looks, honestly, strikingly stupid, almost like if she would carry a "watch out! i'm STUPID" poster with her. The way her hair looks and the clothes.... I don't know, but they really managed to create a "stupid"-aura around the poor actress. And, of course, I always appreciate good acting, anytime, and this was no exception...
Congrats, Mercedes!

[credits to santa]


Anonymous said...

Hm...blondele cu care am discutat până acuma chiar erau cam proaste...şi mai grav ele singure afirmau asta "eu am o scuză - sunt blondă... hihi..." Cred că sunt influenţate grav de faptul că toţi spun despre ele că nu prea au mulţi neuroni în cap. Ele deja singure cred că sunt cele mai frumoase aşa că de ce le-ar trebui să fie şi deştepte...

Kip said...

}{ as i said: not going to discuss racism here. dar ai dreptate, glumele cu blonde au influentat pe blonde sa aiba o "scuza" (?!) in caz de ceva.. which i think is stupid anyway :))si, care-i faza cu "blondele sunt frumoase" from the start??! No shit?!

Anonymous said...

Wow,this rules! I am so damn proud to have been born blonde :)
Well,actually most of the people are born blonde, but I am just one of the few who actually use this as an excuse for acting silly :P