Feb 27, 2008

Jungle in the subway

I'm doing my diploma project on unconventional marketing. I believe this is such a wide and enormously interesting area, and still not so widely used, e!specially in Bucharest. I say Bucharest, because usually unconventional mk plays with city 'tools' and city media in general. Very happy to announce that something great happened in this direction. Take a look at this Lenor little jungle corner established in Bucharest subway, Unirii2 station. If you still haven't got a chance to see it, it's worth checking out :)

Although there is no doubt that this IS unconventional mk, I can also admit that this 'thing' was derived from a poster ad, or billboard, whatever. As a matter of fact, the central piece of the jungle is a poster with the advertiser's logo and message, which btw is smth like "It is so easy to feel like on a tropical vacation right at home". Anyway, "Tropical Fresh" says it all actually. I even think they could have done it without the pretty long (!) tagline. My opinion.
Great job with creating the tropical feel, I was quite surprised. The leaves are so abundant and vivid green and real! At least they look vvvery real. Great job! Plus they have two palm trees on either side of the 'construction'.

On the floor, they had some kind of an interactive screen with fishies which was - wow - another, if not the most curious, thing. At least kids where all over it, and I guess that was at their 'level of sight'. When stepped on, the screen made waves around the feet. Watch someone's video capture of the whole 'miracle' :D

I know it's great, super-duper, sweet, nice and cool, but the question is: is it worth?!? Can you i-ma-gine what money all this costed, and costs? Cause the leaves are really - WOW-REAL!!! I mean, when I think of unconventional, I think of cost-effective, and I mean cheap :D ad campaigns. I mean crazily unique and simple ideas. I mean originality. And honestly, this was too much :| There are so many examples when almost costless ideas, involving city sights and objects, make millions of money and as much satisfied costumers. Why couldn't they think of something more original and less expensive? Maybe people think that everything that is VA-VA-VOOM! is great, no matter what. I don't know...


Anonymous said...

That is unconventional marketing at its best. I enjoyed the post.

Kip said...

At its bets or not... but thanks for enjoying the post :)