Nov 28, 2007

Is this funny?

I don't wanna judge anybody, especially a whole nation by one example, but this is waaay too much. You wouldn't believe it...

Again, not that I wanna judge..but once an American 10 grader asked me "Is Europe like... an island?"
How in the world, could anyone be so ignorant, and not KNOW???!!! what Europe is??? Holy shit.
I loved the women jokes, especially in this example :P
[credits to Max]

Nov 26, 2007


Veryfunnyads and very smart too. Enjoy!

Poza 1
Against Littering (Belgium)
--> Don't ****ing throw trash everywhere!
Watch what happens to this guy ;)

Hydro Energy (Norway)
--> Bunch of kids playing it real.
I wish kids were that smart nowadays..

Statoil (Norway)
--> A very bad day for the poor man :))
Such a cute clip..

Clube das Empresas Amigas do Ambiente (Portugal)
--> I love antismoking..anything!
Smoking blows.

Nov 15, 2007

Daft punk dancing

Daft Punk - "Harder Better Faster Stronger"

[no, i did not JUST discover youtube, i just couldn't resist putting this up too] read more...

Nov 14, 2007

Thank you, MTV

I've just seen this on MTV. actually I've heard it first and was like "?!"
So, thank you MTV, sometimes u're resourceful ;)

Vanilla Sky 'spoof', song is called... you'll see

I really hope Rihanna doesn't get upset, I actually liked this song way before it got #1 and still like it ;)

Later edit: Oh yeah, have you seen this one? I absolutely love it, even more than 'the Rihanna one'..:) [Alanis Morissette - My Humps]

I love the song that turned out from this, Alanis' voice is powerful.. read more...

Spice Girls

Spice Girls reunited! How exciting :)) I can't believe they did such a ***tty video. I can't believe how poor and uninteresting the song is, cause, com'on, it's catchy stuff when smth new comes up about them... And they probably made huge plans on how to get back together... The only 2 good things in this 'crap' is Geri's abs and Mel C's vocals...
[Mel C is the brunette one with fringe]
And Victoria...aahhh I can't even tell you how much I dislike her, beyond limits...
And Emma (blonde at the beginning) looks like an old lady from the market... 'holy mother of god'(© Alan, "Two Men and a Half")...

Check Amy Winehouse singing live "Rehab", I love this 'video'.... and tell me what you think ;)


Nov 7, 2007

Shadow poster :: VW

A few days ago, I discovered this site, or better so... somebody discovered it for me and believe me, I spent these few days checking it out doing nothing else (u know...). I found tons of spectacular, uber-creative, revolutionary, amazing ads (I limited myself looking only on their print gallery), and found this up here too... I thought this is incredible. Incredibly simple actually, but so smart and god... just fantastic!

Ok, so the ad is for Volkswagen's Eos convertible model and it's.. conveeeertible! So: air, wind, sky, SUN! Sun, yes! So how do we relate our convertible to the Sun? A: Do a shadow poster.. (dull intonation) OMG it actually seems that this technique has never been used before! Can you believe it? I can't.. but 've been unsuccessful with googling on this so far, so holler if you got smth...

As you can probably see from the pictures, they placed a big tough poster on the edge of a wall (or smth) but the poster isn't built to be looked at, its SHADOW is! So it has cut out letters and logo , completely cut out, so the sun rays could travel thru them and 'draw' words on the ground, beside the wall. The poster itself looks totally awkward because of its position and because you can't read what it says (the correct side with the message is facing the sun).

But what a great idea, to get people's attention that the sun is up and well :D, all shining, and to build an unconventional "invitation" for test driving the new convertible, which is also built for sunny weather!

To add that this campaign was held in Germany (from what I've found) and the message on it is in German, ya! Oh yeah, this is a very crazy form of unconventional marketing, it's evidently not a common outdoor ad poster. By the way, if anybody (anybooodyyy??!...) wants to talk/be told about this matter, I'm always up for it :D

So, here's their official copy for the mighty ad:

"VW Eos Shadow Poster
Increase the number of test drives of the new Eos convertible. Target group: Men and women between 25 and 59 years of age, better educated and better off.
Who is more qualified for advertising a convertible than the sun itself? Therefore we got the sun to invite people for a test drive by shining through the world's first shadow poster.
Everywhere we put it up, the shadow poster not only caused a stir but also increased the number of test drives by more than 12%. Thus the 2000 Euro poster caused a positive PR in the value of about 200.000 Euros."

The car is awesome looking, too...Ahhh... Very cute and compact....

And some credits:
BTW: Sorry for such an 'amateur' point of view, but I just can't help it, I've become really passionate about this ad now. Time will tell if I can come up with a more professional analytical explanation for this ;)
Now, the credits:
Advertising Agency: DDB Dusseldorf, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Amir Kassaei
Executive Creative Director: Eric Schoeffler
Creative Directors: Heiko Freyland, Raphael Milczarek
Copywriters: Felix Lemcke, Jan Propach
Art Directors: Fabian Kirner, Michael Kittel

Nov 5, 2007


Not mine. His. It just pinpoints the time when I started my first blog. Oh such an old idea, actually started with yahoo360 or whatever, but that didn't seem workable. And really, didn't have that many "ideas to be put in a post"... Now, that I deleted that thing, actually about a year ago, it seems like I would write smth almost every day.. (what is it that sometimes I'm driven to write "everyday" altogether.. ummmm.. is "altogether" right? ohh wow cool thing).. Anyway, so you see "ideas" are coming in a crazy stream, but I promise to be organized. But who cares?

Welcome to my blog, yes. Let's see how that works.