Mar 6, 2008

Finally, I share

You know like when you have something you really like and enjoy, and you really want to share it with somebody else because you want to show them the cool thing that you found, yeah, like youtube stuff, that's what I many times feel but never got the chance to share this (you'll see later) here.

Let's start with a phenomenon that truly makes me go crazy (in a bad way).
Q: "What music do u listen to?"
A: "Good music!"

OK... so you know what I mean! - How THE HELL should I know what "good music" means to you??!! Seriously! I try to NEVER say this. "Good music"... That's just plain crap.
You can only talk like this to YOURSELF, because anybody else will have THEIR understanding of good music. You know what I mean? Please never say it like that, cause it's really nerve-wrecking.

I hope we're all clear with that matter, now let's proceed with I wanted to share with. Good music for me includes songs from basically all genres except probably... weird folk stuff, country, and death metal that my little brain simply doesn't get. But even in country I'm sure I can find a song that I would like...somehow. But that's not important. I mean the genre is not that important. I like songs that have powerful lyrics, a deep meaning and especially if I can relate to it. I like songs that are complex, both musically and lyrically. I like when things are unsuspected, shaking, soulful, rythmic(whatever that spells). I like when the melody is hard to redo, i mean that it's unique and hard to re-play, I don't know if I'm making myself something clear. A melody that inspires and that makes me want to move. So can ignore what I said till now, it doesn't make any sense anyway :D

What, in my opinion, fits in very well in what I want from music is RnB. Sung by ladies. Aha, because I can relate to them obviously. But I'm, at the same time, a long-time fan of Linkin Park for example. I like Puddle of Mud, Greed Day, Everlast, SOAD and Nirvana. But I like Joss Stone. This is so opposite. Anyway, today we'll talk about Alicia Keys :D

She's (one of) my all-time favorite! Her picture must be in the dictionary at the word "talented". So many song-talent-music contests use her songs and her standards to prove who's got it. You must remember "Fallin'" :) This was the song that, at that time, showed me something so different and that I knew I loved so bad. I felt the song in all my nerves and veins. Today, I accept, the song isn't what it used to be to me, it's old an' worn, but I still love it nevertheless. I love Alicia for being so down-to-earth and natural with us and with herself; for never seeing her on cover pages of scandal papers; for keeping up with "mr time" and proving her talent until now; for giving me stuff to think about and bringing out lessons of life thru her songs... So, agreed or not with what I said, please take something I want to share with you. It is horribly hard to pick smth from Alicia Key's repertoire, but this song is worth anything good.

"Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby...
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you...

Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me..."
(If I Ain't Got You, Alicia Keys)

Before buying presents and flowers, before going on vacations and partying in clubs, please show the person beside you what you feel for him/her in your own words and gestures that don't include material things, superficial things. What good is it to have rings and fancy meals if there is no caring, respect or protection?... Before having ANYthing material, we need soulful things, pure love in our bodies and peace in our minds. I'm sure this song made a tone of people cry.

And please, people, if you read this blog share words with me, comments don't bite, they're always welcome! Sometimes I think of shutting this whole thing down, because it feels like nobody cares. But I'll push it anyhow. :)

PS: There is also a great version of this song, performed only by Alicia's voice and the piano here. Enjoy.


... said...

some people think that words are just empty words. if u say i love you, you have to prove it! i really don't agree with that, but i do agree with you.
yes! before buying presents or doing all that stuff that u mentioned above, you just gotta take a few minutes and look in the eyes of the one you love and tell him/her/them what you really feel. if you dig deep into your soul and show your emotions thru a single glance at the one beside you, you'll need nothing more, because you already got what you want/need/desire from life.

Kip said...

thanks a lot christina for your words :P and thanks for reading :)
what i was thinking right now was that nowadays people talk too much and that's why maybe words are not as consistent as they have to be. many times, for example, when I want to say smth important to someone, that person doesn't take it seriously or just waits for a couple of more words or even sentences to prove that i really meant what I wanted to tell him/her.